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Last week I was in London for a pleasure trip with my sister and my nephew who had never been in the city before. Of course, it's been a touristic stay, visiting the classic sightseeing, including the famous Madame Tussauds, where the waxworks of famous and historic people and also popular film character are exposed. I was not planning to do serious photography there, I mean, with my Leica Q, but only souvenirs snaps with the iphone. But, wait a moment...

Once in, I realized that this place could be a good gym where to train a kind of street photography, where the subjects, does'nt move at all!!
And having my nephew and my sister role playing with the statues, well, I realised I could make some nice photos.

Questa settimana sono stato a Coventry, in Gran Bretagna, per lavoro e, come sempre, pur sapendo di non avere molto tempo libero, mi son portato dietro la mia piccola Leica M. "Non si sa mai", mi son detto, ogni posto nuovo ha sempre qualcosa di interessante da fotografare. Durante la settimana non ho avuto tempo, l'ultimo